In one of the previous posts, I mentioned the surprise connection of Penrose rhombi tiling from 2-D to 3-D. In fact, the seemingly weird idea may review deeper meaning of Penrose tiling. Actually, de Bruijn, a Netherlands mathematican, found the Penrose tiling can be constructed from the projection of the Voronoi hypercubes of a plane in 5-D space onto the plane itself. The plane has to be the golden-ratio plane. Furthermore, at different dimensions, one obtains various kinds of colorful tilings. If we choose the 3-D space that is orthogonal to the 2-D golden plane in the 5-D space, we could obtain the 3-D Penrose rhombi tiling by projecting out the Voronoi hypercubes onto the 3-D space. The 3-D Penrose rhombi tiling is intimately connected with the semi-periodic crystal packing patterns which shows local 5-fold rotation symmetry. That is an interesting topoic itself in chemistry and physics. Penrose mused that the tiling is a reflection of the electron correlation effect at the quantum mechanics level.
Well how to understand the idea? Here is an example of one-dimensional tiling. On a 2-D space, we first draw a straight line with a slope of golden-ratio. The blue grid is with a gap of 1 and can be seen as a Z^2 space. The blocks in light green are the Voronoi square cells that enclose the straight line. If we project the Vornoi square sides onto the golden-ratio straight line, we will get a series on long and short segements that cover the whole line. And the ratio of the long and short lengths is again the gold-ratio. The tiling pattern is given by the Fibbonacci sequence. It is so called Fibbonacci tiling of reals.
The Voronoi cubes of a plane in 3-D space.
The following Penrose tilings are generated with a sub-division (deflation) algorthims found by de Bruijn and Han. In this algorthim, a half rhombi is divided into two or three smaller half rhombus scaled-down by golden-ratio.The division can go on infinitely and get more and more complex structures. The following pictures show the same tiling region but to different depths.
Depth = 3
Depth = 5
Depth = 8
I have not figured out the details on how to get the tiling from projection in 5-D space to 2-D plane or 3-D solid.