Saturday, December 23, 2006
Couple in Happiness
The man in the picture is Qin Tailai(秦泰来), who was one of the most famous photographer in 1930's Shanghai. The woman is his wife. The picture shows the happiness and the serenity of the couple. Qin pioneered in photograph business and naked women photographing.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Wedding Decoration
4-D Universe
Salvador Dali, one of the greatest painters of the world in 20th century, loves high-dimensional abstract concepts. Many of objects and ideas in his works can only be realized in a wolrd with a dimension higher than 3. One example is that one of his late work, the hypercube cross, in which the cross is consist with 8 cubes. The 8 cubes together actually represents a cube in a 4-dimensional space. Or more exactly, it is an fold-out in 3-dimensional space.
To understand this point, we can apply the same method to construct a 3-d cube from six 2-d 'cubes', i.e. squares. That is the way how a box can be built out of paper.
Instead of using squares, we can also use pentagons to construct a 3-d object and we will get a solid shape called dodecahedron. And 12 pentagons are needed for the purpose.
Like that 8-cubes can construct to a hypercube, can we get something interesting if we were able to stack many dodecahedrons together in a 4-d space? The answer is yes. The object is called '120 cells'. It needs 120 dodecahedrons to fill all the space inside. You may wonder how to imagine how such a object look like...? Well, you need to put five layers of dodecahedrons on top of each other and you will get a fold-out represenation of the object, just like the Dali holy cross for the hypercube. Then, in the four-timensional world, you need to squeeze the dodecahedrons and stick the faces of the dodecahedrons together. Below is a beautiful picture of the fold-out version of the 120-cell available from Wikipedia.
120-cell made with 120 dodecahedras, projected in 3-D space and depicted on a 2-d sheet.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Civilization in Qing State
Recently there are stunning new discoveries at the archeology site in Li County, Gangsu Province. The archeology site is thought the tomb of Qing Xiang Gong, one of the greatest kings in Qing State. It was his feat that developed Qing state from a tiny west countryside state to one of the seven strongest states which were capable to unite China again. His success was largely attributed to Shang Yang, who put strength on laws in ruling country. Under his leadership, a whole new system based on laws was established. This shows great difference from its predecessor, Zhou Dynasty. Zhou dynasty established the “Li” and “Yue” ruling system. Although it was a great leap from the earlier slavery society and a great step in civilization process, the ruling method was not effective anymore in the war period of China. Even though Shang Yang was later executed with his body pulling part by four horses, his law-based ruling could not be removed anymore. The system had been accepted by the whole system, even the king who executed Shang. The system brought prosperity to Qing state and established the economy basis for the later unification of China by Qing Shi Huang.
Although the new system was based on ruling by laws, the previous Li and Yue were not totally abandoned but developed in different ways. The new discoveries include a whole set of bronze bells which were used as the main music instrument for ceremony for the sovereign class, like worshipping heaven, earth and other gods. The bells showed great achievements in arts at time. Inside the tome, complete carriages were also found and the wheels were decorated with beautiful artifacts. Some other findings included the 12 animals in Chinese astrology made with gold. People at that time really showed great imagination and interests in entertainment.
Bells Out of Soil
Arts on Carriage Wheels
12 Animals of Chinese Astrology Made with Gold
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Tiling Rectangle
The marriage theorem from the previous post provides a direct proof that the 8x8 square with two diagonal corners removed cannot be tiled by dominoes. However it is incapable in providing the number of possible tiling schemes if tiling solutions exist. The number is usually quite large.
However, in 1961, Kasteleyn and others actually found the exact solution for tiling a rectangle lattice with dominoes. The solution given by Kasteleyn involves the use of Pfaffian. Pfaffian is a special kind of matrices and less known to today's students. The problem of tiling rectangles itself is interesting for many physical and chemical problems, for example, the adsorption of diatomic molecules on a regular surface, the cell-cluster theory of liquds, the Ising problem (spin arrangement in two-dimensional lattice). Therefore the search for the exact solution and its asymptotic behaviour is not just for curiosity only but also driven by the real needs.
Here I sketch the main idea described by Kasteleyn. Anyone interested in knowing the details should read read the original paper, Physica, 1961, vol. 27, pp. 1209-25.
Consider a lattice, m x n, and m is even and n can be odd or even. (If both m and n are odd, it is obviouesly no tiling solution.) Each square at the lattice point can be labeled by {i (from 1 to m),j (from 1 to n)}. The square can also be uniquely labeled by just one number if an order is defined. For example, we can define a new label, p (from 1 to mxn )and p is related with {i,j} as follows,
  {i,j} <--> p = (j-1)m + j.
We use p numbers to describe a configuration of dominoes, i.e. tiling scheme. First we consider a trivial configuration which is a solution for lattices. It can be drawn schematically as follows,
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,1} {2,1}  {3,1}{4,1}  {5,1}{6,1}  {7,1}{8,1}
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,2} {2,2}
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,3} {2,3}
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,4} {2,4}
A configuration can be writen as a list, {{p1,p2},{p3,p4}, ... {p(nm-1), pnm}} and the above trivial configuration can be writen as, {{1,2},{3,4},...{nm-1, nm}}. However, if we exchange the order of each pair list, {pi,p{i+1)}, it still represents a same configuration. Or if we exchange of the order of child lists of the parent list, the configuration keeps too. Therefore, we need to define an order to eliminate such ambagiousness. One convention of the following can be adopted for the order,
  p1 < p2; p3 < p4; ...; p(mn-1) < p(mn); and
  p1 < p3 < p5 < ... < p(mn-1).
Such ordering relates the configuration with a Pfaffian. A Pfaffian is a number attributed to a triangular array of coefficients in the following way,
  Pf[{a(i,j)|i,j=1,...N, N even}]= Sum[p[P]Permutation[a(k1,k2)a(k3,k4)...a(k(n-1),kn)]],
where p[P] (=1 or -1) is the parity of the permutation P and the sum runs over all possible permutations.
The number of dominoes' configuration is then given by Pf[D(p;p')]. The element of the matrix D(p;p') can be defined as follows. If there is no bonding between p and p' (not covered by the same domino), the element is 0. If the two are connected by a horizonal bond, the element is set as 1 and if connected by a vertical bond, the element could be 1 or -1. More exactly, the element is given by the following equations.
  D(i,j;i',j')=0, otherwise.
(If the dominoes are not symmetric, the corresponding nondegeneracy should be mulitplied.) The derivation of the first two rules needs a proof. The essential part of the proof lies in the transformation to construct any new configuration from the trivial configuration given above. 1) the sites with bond breaking and formation form polygons with alternating old and new bonds. 2) all the polygons do not overlap or cross. 3) by just moving the bonds of the polygons by just one bond distance, new configuration and old configuration can be exchanged.
Once the matrix D(p;p') is constructed, the next job is to calculate the Pfaffian. The following property can be used,
  (Pf[D])^2 = det D,
where D is the skey-symmetric matrix extended from the triangular array of elements of the Pfaffian. The matrix can be decomposed in the following way,
  D = Qm X En + Fm X Qn,
where En is the nxn unit matrix, and Q is the matrix in the following format, {{0,1,0,0,-...},{-1,0,1,0,0...},{0,-1,0,1,0},...} and F is the matrix in the following format, {{-1,0,0,0...},{0,1,0,0,...},{0,0,-1,0,...},...}. By diagonzation the above matrices product, the configuration number can be found.
  Pf[D] = Product[Product[2(Cos[k Pi/(m+1)]^2 + Cos[l Pi/(n+1)]^2)^(1/2),{l,1,n}],{k,1,m/2}].
The above result could be further simplified slightly. For a simple calculation shows that the number of ways to tile a 8x8 lattice with dominoes is 12988816.
The result is quite surprsing. Since we know the answer must be an integer, yet it is given as the products of a series of irrational numbers. Kasteleyn also looked at the situation when perodic conditions are applied to the lattice, i.e. lattice on torus. More discussion could be given on the application of this result.
Note: On the ICM 2006 in Madrid, Spain, Andrei Okounkov has been awarded a Fields medal for his study on random tiling pattern.
However, in 1961, Kasteleyn and others actually found the exact solution for tiling a rectangle lattice with dominoes. The solution given by Kasteleyn involves the use of Pfaffian. Pfaffian is a special kind of matrices and less known to today's students. The problem of tiling rectangles itself is interesting for many physical and chemical problems, for example, the adsorption of diatomic molecules on a regular surface, the cell-cluster theory of liquds, the Ising problem (spin arrangement in two-dimensional lattice). Therefore the search for the exact solution and its asymptotic behaviour is not just for curiosity only but also driven by the real needs.
Here I sketch the main idea described by Kasteleyn. Anyone interested in knowing the details should read read the original paper, Physica, 1961, vol. 27, pp. 1209-25.
Consider a lattice, m x n, and m is even and n can be odd or even. (If both m and n are odd, it is obviouesly no tiling solution.) Each square at the lattice point can be labeled by {i (from 1 to m),j (from 1 to n)}. The square can also be uniquely labeled by just one number if an order is defined. For example, we can define a new label, p (from 1 to mxn )and p is related with {i,j} as follows,
  {i,j} <--> p = (j-1)m + j.
We use p numbers to describe a configuration of dominoes, i.e. tiling scheme. First we consider a trivial configuration which is a solution for lattices. It can be drawn schematically as follows,
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,1} {2,1}  {3,1}{4,1}  {5,1}{6,1}  {7,1}{8,1}
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,2} {2,2}
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,3} {2,3}
  o-----o       o-----o       o-----o       o-----o
{1,4} {2,4}
A configuration can be writen as a list, {{p1,p2},{p3,p4}, ... {p(nm-1), pnm}} and the above trivial configuration can be writen as, {{1,2},{3,4},...{nm-1, nm}}. However, if we exchange the order of each pair list, {pi,p{i+1)}, it still represents a same configuration. Or if we exchange of the order of child lists of the parent list, the configuration keeps too. Therefore, we need to define an order to eliminate such ambagiousness. One convention of the following can be adopted for the order,
  p1 < p2; p3 < p4; ...; p(mn-1) < p(mn); and
  p1 < p3 < p5 < ... < p(mn-1).
Such ordering relates the configuration with a Pfaffian. A Pfaffian is a number attributed to a triangular array of coefficients in the following way,
  Pf[{a(i,j)|i,j=1,...N, N even}]= Sum[p[P]Permutation[a(k1,k2)a(k3,k4)...a(k(n-1),kn)]],
where p[P] (=1 or -1) is the parity of the permutation P and the sum runs over all possible permutations.
The number of dominoes' configuration is then given by Pf[D(p;p')]. The element of the matrix D(p;p') can be defined as follows. If there is no bonding between p and p' (not covered by the same domino), the element is 0. If the two are connected by a horizonal bond, the element is set as 1 and if connected by a vertical bond, the element could be 1 or -1. More exactly, the element is given by the following equations.
  D(i,j;i',j')=0, otherwise.
(If the dominoes are not symmetric, the corresponding nondegeneracy should be mulitplied.) The derivation of the first two rules needs a proof. The essential part of the proof lies in the transformation to construct any new configuration from the trivial configuration given above. 1) the sites with bond breaking and formation form polygons with alternating old and new bonds. 2) all the polygons do not overlap or cross. 3) by just moving the bonds of the polygons by just one bond distance, new configuration and old configuration can be exchanged.
Once the matrix D(p;p') is constructed, the next job is to calculate the Pfaffian. The following property can be used,
  (Pf[D])^2 = det D,
where D is the skey-symmetric matrix extended from the triangular array of elements of the Pfaffian. The matrix can be decomposed in the following way,
  D = Qm X En + Fm X Qn,
where En is the nxn unit matrix, and Q is the matrix in the following format, {{0,1,0,0,-...},{-1,0,1,0,0...},{0,-1,0,1,0},...} and F is the matrix in the following format, {{-1,0,0,0...},{0,1,0,0,...},{0,0,-1,0,...},...}. By diagonzation the above matrices product, the configuration number can be found.
  Pf[D] = Product[Product[2(Cos[k Pi/(m+1)]^2 + Cos[l Pi/(n+1)]^2)^(1/2),{l,1,n}],{k,1,m/2}].
The above result could be further simplified slightly. For a simple calculation shows that the number of ways to tile a 8x8 lattice with dominoes is 12988816.
The result is quite surprsing. Since we know the answer must be an integer, yet it is given as the products of a series of irrational numbers. Kasteleyn also looked at the situation when perodic conditions are applied to the lattice, i.e. lattice on torus. More discussion could be given on the application of this result.
Note: On the ICM 2006 in Madrid, Spain, Andrei Okounkov has been awarded a Fields medal for his study on random tiling pattern.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Marriage Theorem
Once upon a time, there is a planet with men and women living harmoniously together. On the planet, a man or a woman has neighbors of opposite sex only. They live so well that they only choose one of their neighbors as their husband or wife... However, is it always possible for a man to be able to find a wife or a woman to find a husband? Of course, the answer is simplely no if there are not the same number of men and women. But if there are exactly same number of men and women, what is the answer then?
Well, this marriage problem is wierd, but it is related and helpful to understand another problem, the tiling of squares with dominos.
The following is a 8x8 square with two corners removed. One may ask if the shape can be tiled with dominos. A domino is composed with two adjacent squares. If the corners are present, the answer is obviously positive. However, after removing the two corners, there are 62 squares. Can it be covered completely with 31 dominos? The question at first sight is very difficult, which is generally true for tiling problem due to large number of possible tiling schemes. If fact, if we add an additional property to the identical squares, we may turn the problem into the above marriage probem and find the answer very easily.
We may color all the squares in two colors alternatingly like a chessboard fasion. See below. If we put a domino anywhere on the board, one square of the domino must be green and the other white. Therefore, if a tiling solution exists, the number of green squares and white squares should be the same. However, we find there are 32 green squares and only 30 white squares. (The alternating pattern is an antiferromagnetic arrangement in the 2-dimensional space and there is a residual net spin though.) So the coloring scheme turns to be crucial to find the negative answer.
Coloring Scheme
However, the coloring method cannot give a definitive answer if we can color the squares alternatingly for the same number of squares. For example, in the following 8x8 square, we remove one square in green and one in white. The resulted shape is obviously tilable. (Though it is maybe difficult to write down all the tiling possibility, we can at least find a few.)
However, in the same 8x8 square, we remove two whites and two greens and obtain the pattern shown below (the black square is one of the holes). There is no way to tile the upper left corner with a domino, for which the corner is an isolated square.
There are a lot of more to say about tiling and marriage theorem. But so far, i only understand little of them.
Well, this marriage problem is wierd, but it is related and helpful to understand another problem, the tiling of squares with dominos.
The following is a 8x8 square with two corners removed. One may ask if the shape can be tiled with dominos. A domino is composed with two adjacent squares. If the corners are present, the answer is obviously positive. However, after removing the two corners, there are 62 squares. Can it be covered completely with 31 dominos? The question at first sight is very difficult, which is generally true for tiling problem due to large number of possible tiling schemes. If fact, if we add an additional property to the identical squares, we may turn the problem into the above marriage probem and find the answer very easily.
We may color all the squares in two colors alternatingly like a chessboard fasion. See below. If we put a domino anywhere on the board, one square of the domino must be green and the other white. Therefore, if a tiling solution exists, the number of green squares and white squares should be the same. However, we find there are 32 green squares and only 30 white squares. (The alternating pattern is an antiferromagnetic arrangement in the 2-dimensional space and there is a residual net spin though.) So the coloring scheme turns to be crucial to find the negative answer.
Coloring Scheme
However, the coloring method cannot give a definitive answer if we can color the squares alternatingly for the same number of squares. For example, in the following 8x8 square, we remove one square in green and one in white. The resulted shape is obviously tilable. (Though it is maybe difficult to write down all the tiling possibility, we can at least find a few.)
However, in the same 8x8 square, we remove two whites and two greens and obtain the pattern shown below (the black square is one of the holes). There is no way to tile the upper left corner with a domino, for which the corner is an isolated square.
There are a lot of more to say about tiling and marriage theorem. But so far, i only understand little of them.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Clouds Appreication
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Amplitudes of Tetrahedral Spin Network
after Dan Christensen and Igor Khavkine;
using the following equations,
The amplitude is the real part of f(q)/g(q),
where q is a complex number,
f(q) = (q^4-q^2+1) (q^4+q^3+q^2+q^+1) (q^4-q^3+q^2-q^+1) (q^6+q^5+q^4+q^3+q^2+q^+1) (q^6-q^5+q^4-q^3+q^2-q^+1) (q^20-q^18-q^14-q^12+q^10-q^8-q^6-q^2+1)
g(q) = (q^8)((q^4+q^2+1)^2) ((q^4+1)^5).
The value of amplitude is colored using the modulation function,
adjust(x) = log(log(abs(x)+1)+1).
The argument of the result using the same modulation function for the color description.
Recover the negative (-Pi, 0) and positive (0, Pi) difference in the argument.
still not understand what it means..
using the following equations,
The amplitude is the real part of f(q)/g(q),
where q is a complex number,
f(q) = (q^4-q^2+1) (q^4+q^3+q^2+q^+1) (q^4-q^3+q^2-q^+1) (q^6+q^5+q^4+q^3+q^2+q^+1) (q^6-q^5+q^4-q^3+q^2-q^+1) (q^20-q^18-q^14-q^12+q^10-q^8-q^6-q^2+1)
g(q) = (q^8)((q^4+q^2+1)^2) ((q^4+1)^5).
The value of amplitude is colored using the modulation function,
adjust(x) = log(log(abs(x)+1)+1).
The argument of the result using the same modulation function for the color description.
Recover the negative (-Pi, 0) and positive (0, Pi) difference in the argument.
still not understand what it means..
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Paint Opera
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Goodstein Sequence: Power of Infinity
A postive integer number can be expressed in a recursive expotenial form form. For example, in the base of 2, the number 299 can be written as the following binary tree form.
{Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 1}}, 0}}, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 0}}, 1}}, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 1}}, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 1}}}}
The Goodstein sequence is generated in the following steps:
1. Start with any positive integer number and write it in the above recursive expotenial form with the base 2;
2. Replace the base 2 in the above form with 3 and then substract 1 from 1.
3. Recursively repeat the above steps to generate the sequence.
Apparently, the sequence will increase very rapidly. For example, if we start at 5, the first 61 numbers in the Goodstein sequence are:
{5, 27, 255, 467, 775, 1197, 1751, 2454, 3325, 4382, 5643, 7126, 8849, 10830, 13087, 15637, 18499, 21691, 25231, 29137, 33427, 38119, 43231, 48781, 54787, 61267, 68239, 75721, 83731, 92287, 101407, 111108, 121409, 132328, 143883,156092, 168973, 182544, 196823, 211828, 227577, 244088, 261379,279468, 298373, 318112, 338703, 360164, 382513, 405768, 429947, 455068,481149, 508208, 536263, 565332, 595433, 626584, 658803, 692108, 726517}.
We can graph the sequence as follows.
It seems that the sequence increases in a power law. However, after a finite number of steps, though very large, the sequence will become 0 at last. More amazingly, this cannot be proved in the Peano arithmetic. Baez showed how the infinity of ordinals can be used to prove this result,
{Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 1}}, 0}}, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 0}}, 1}}, {Plus, {Power, 2, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 1}}, {Plus, {Power, 2, 1}, 1}}}}
The Goodstein sequence is generated in the following steps:
1. Start with any positive integer number and write it in the above recursive expotenial form with the base 2;
2. Replace the base 2 in the above form with 3 and then substract 1 from 1.
3. Recursively repeat the above steps to generate the sequence.
Apparently, the sequence will increase very rapidly. For example, if we start at 5, the first 61 numbers in the Goodstein sequence are:
{5, 27, 255, 467, 775, 1197, 1751, 2454, 3325, 4382, 5643, 7126, 8849, 10830, 13087, 15637, 18499, 21691, 25231, 29137, 33427, 38119, 43231, 48781, 54787, 61267, 68239, 75721, 83731, 92287, 101407, 111108, 121409, 132328, 143883,156092, 168973, 182544, 196823, 211828, 227577, 244088, 261379,279468, 298373, 318112, 338703, 360164, 382513, 405768, 429947, 455068,481149, 508208, 536263, 565332, 595433, 626584, 658803, 692108, 726517}.
We can graph the sequence as follows.
It seems that the sequence increases in a power law. However, after a finite number of steps, though very large, the sequence will become 0 at last. More amazingly, this cannot be proved in the Peano arithmetic. Baez showed how the infinity of ordinals can be used to prove this result,
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Blue Days
A kiss a year ago
Two days together
No more time in the future
Wish this ends soon
The one righ there waiting
With her smiles
On the red lip
The eyes
With a drop of tears
Shinning crystal light
Hands in hands
Tied forever
Sun rises and sun sets
Moon waxes and moon wanes
You in my eyes
A bubble full of colors
Yet breakabe with a delicate touch
Two days together
No more time in the future
Wish this ends soon
The one righ there waiting
With her smiles
On the red lip
The eyes
With a drop of tears
Shinning crystal light
Hands in hands
Tied forever
Sun rises and sun sets
Moon waxes and moon wanes
You in my eyes
A bubble full of colors
Yet breakabe with a delicate touch
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Tense Middle
from "This I Believe" -By Roald Hoffmann, NPR, July 3, 2006.
I believe in the middle. Extremes may make a good story, but the middle satisfies me. Why? Perhaps because I'm a chemist.
Chemistry is substances, molecules and their transformations. And molecules fight categorization -- they are poised along several polarities. Harm and benefit is one.
Take morphine: Anyone who's had an operation knows what morphine is good for. But it's also a deadly, addictive drug. Take ozone: Up in the atmosphere, a layer of ozone protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of our life-giving sun. But at sea level, ozone is produced in photochemical smog; it chews up tires and lungs.
Chemistry, like life, is deeply and fundamentally about change. It's about substances -- say A and B -- transforming, becoming a different substance -- C and D -- and coming back again. At equilibrium -- the middle -- all the substances are present. But we're not stuck there. We can change the middle; we can disturb the equilibrium.
Perhaps I like the middle, that tense middle, because of my background. I was born in 1937 in southeast Poland, now Ukraine. Our Jewish family was trapped in the destructive machinery of Nazi anti-Semitism. Most of us perished: my father, three of four grandparents, and so on. My mother and I survived, hidden for the last 15 months of the war in a schoolhouse attic by a Ukrainian teacher, Mikola Dyuk.
We were saved by the action of a good man, that schoolteacher. Sad to say, much of the Ukrainian population in the region behaved badly in those terrible times. They helped the Nazis kill us. And yet -- and yet -- some, like Dyuk, saved us at great risk to their lives.
I couldn't formulate it then, as a child, but I knew from our experience that people were not simply good or evil. They made choices. You could hide a Jewish family or you could choose not to. Every human being has the potential to go one way or the other. Understanding that there was a choice helps me live with the evil that I experienced.
Being a chemist has helped me to see plainly that things -- politics, attitudes, molecules -- in the middle can be changed, that we have a choice. Being a survivor I can see that choices really matter -- all part of this risky enterprise of being human.
The middle is not static... my psychological middle as well as the chemical equilibrium. I like that. Yes, of course I also want stability. But I believe that extreme positions -- the things you start out with in a chemical reaction, the things you finish with (all people A, bad, all people B, good; no taxes at all, taxed to death) -- all of these are impractical, unnatural, boring: the refuge of people who never want to change. The world is not simple, though God knows political forces on every side want to make it so. I like the tense middle and I am grateful for a life that offers me the potential for change.
I believe in the middle. Extremes may make a good story, but the middle satisfies me. Why? Perhaps because I'm a chemist.
Chemistry is substances, molecules and their transformations. And molecules fight categorization -- they are poised along several polarities. Harm and benefit is one.
Take morphine: Anyone who's had an operation knows what morphine is good for. But it's also a deadly, addictive drug. Take ozone: Up in the atmosphere, a layer of ozone protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of our life-giving sun. But at sea level, ozone is produced in photochemical smog; it chews up tires and lungs.
Chemistry, like life, is deeply and fundamentally about change. It's about substances -- say A and B -- transforming, becoming a different substance -- C and D -- and coming back again. At equilibrium -- the middle -- all the substances are present. But we're not stuck there. We can change the middle; we can disturb the equilibrium.
Perhaps I like the middle, that tense middle, because of my background. I was born in 1937 in southeast Poland, now Ukraine. Our Jewish family was trapped in the destructive machinery of Nazi anti-Semitism. Most of us perished: my father, three of four grandparents, and so on. My mother and I survived, hidden for the last 15 months of the war in a schoolhouse attic by a Ukrainian teacher, Mikola Dyuk.
We were saved by the action of a good man, that schoolteacher. Sad to say, much of the Ukrainian population in the region behaved badly in those terrible times. They helped the Nazis kill us. And yet -- and yet -- some, like Dyuk, saved us at great risk to their lives.
I couldn't formulate it then, as a child, but I knew from our experience that people were not simply good or evil. They made choices. You could hide a Jewish family or you could choose not to. Every human being has the potential to go one way or the other. Understanding that there was a choice helps me live with the evil that I experienced.
Being a chemist has helped me to see plainly that things -- politics, attitudes, molecules -- in the middle can be changed, that we have a choice. Being a survivor I can see that choices really matter -- all part of this risky enterprise of being human.
The middle is not static... my psychological middle as well as the chemical equilibrium. I like that. Yes, of course I also want stability. But I believe that extreme positions -- the things you start out with in a chemical reaction, the things you finish with (all people A, bad, all people B, good; no taxes at all, taxed to death) -- all of these are impractical, unnatural, boring: the refuge of people who never want to change. The world is not simple, though God knows political forces on every side want to make it so. I like the tense middle and I am grateful for a life that offers me the potential for change.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Cherry Blossom
Ancient Methane Sealed in Quartz
Ancient gas traped inside quartz (viewed in cross-polarized light).(Source: Ueno et al. Nature 2006, 440, 516)
The air bubbles sealed in ancient rocks carry the information on the atmosphere and the life during the past. In this quartz from Western Australia, scientists found metane in it and particually the isotope ratio C-13/C-12 is low. The low isotope ratio indicates that the methane had a biological origin. The results suggest that there might exist such organisms that produce methane and change the content of the atmosphere back to 700,000 years ago, the so-called Archean era.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
'Mona Lisa'-Made-in-China
Sneakers, T-shirts, Toys,....This list can go on and on. All have a common point: made in China. No matter where you are in today's world, it is almost unavoidable to buy all sorts of goods that are labeled with 'made-in-China'. And, 'Mona Lisa' is no exception either!
There is a small town called 'DaFen'(大芬) in the Shenzhen municipal area. The main business of this small town is to duplicate millions of world-renown oil paintings, from Mona Lisa to Sunflower, every masterpiece you can name it. The 60% of the oil paintings in the international market are made here. This town turns the art of oil-painting into an industry, in a way that artists may despise.
The business started in 1986 by a painter from Hong Kong. Then the business got boomed as the economy development of Shenzhen and then China. Like all the other goods made in China, the workers are mainly peasants. Some are illiterate and most only have middle school to high school education. For many of them, their parents and grand parents never know what is Mona Lisa or even see a real oil-painting work in their lives. The rapid development of Shenzhen turns them from peasants working in mud to the oil painters doing the remote art business. Their life would never be same.
Seen from another perspective, many famous painters, like Zhang Daqian, started their career to replicate other's work. Once their skills got matured and their fames got established, they revealed their true identities and became famous and rich too. How do you know if there is one or two Zhang Daqian will be born in the town of DaFen?
Some pictures can be found here.
There is a small town called 'DaFen'(大芬) in the Shenzhen municipal area. The main business of this small town is to duplicate millions of world-renown oil paintings, from Mona Lisa to Sunflower, every masterpiece you can name it. The 60% of the oil paintings in the international market are made here. This town turns the art of oil-painting into an industry, in a way that artists may despise.
The business started in 1986 by a painter from Hong Kong. Then the business got boomed as the economy development of Shenzhen and then China. Like all the other goods made in China, the workers are mainly peasants. Some are illiterate and most only have middle school to high school education. For many of them, their parents and grand parents never know what is Mona Lisa or even see a real oil-painting work in their lives. The rapid development of Shenzhen turns them from peasants working in mud to the oil painters doing the remote art business. Their life would never be same.
Seen from another perspective, many famous painters, like Zhang Daqian, started their career to replicate other's work. Once their skills got matured and their fames got established, they revealed their true identities and became famous and rich too. How do you know if there is one or two Zhang Daqian will be born in the town of DaFen?
Some pictures can be found here.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Wait, Wait, Wait
Don't tell me....
What is in the Pandora's box?
Keep pursuing persistently for the one
What is in the Pandora's box?
Keep pursuing persistently for the one
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
天心 -- 天地之大德曰生
Sunday, February 26, 2006
All coin leads to China
On Feb 26 issue of The New York Times, there is an interesting article to view the Chinese trade surplus in a historical perspective. Here is the link to the article,
Silk road: Ancient Rome imports tons of silk and other goods from China, but have no many products that Chinese are interested in buying except glass.
A gold Byzantine coin excavated from a Chinese tomb.
Today's China exports six times more of goods to the USA than to buy from it. This high trade surplus has caused a lot of trade conflicts, but not much on the price of the Chinese goods and services at home, except the inflation of the real estate price. This one way cash flow also happens at the silk road time before the dark age of Europe. However, the cash surplus does not cause the inflation in China in that time and now. People think the reason is that those surplus does not go into the circultation. Or the economy of China expands at a roughly same rate as its incoming cash. In today's circumstance, the central bank of China invests in Treasuries and mortgages on American homes and stacks up the US dollars. Even though that the US goverment has imposed high pressure on China to increase the value of the Chinese yuan, it has no much effect to this trade inbalance. This re-evaluation seems not the final solution of the problem. China has a big pool of cheap labor, although the price of the labor is going to increase now and in the near future. However, the increases is still quite small compared to the trade scale. In the century of 1800's, British sustained its high trade surplus by positioning millions of Chinese with optium. But today, China wants high-tech stuff from the United States that the states won't sell. Reasons? China is not a 'democratic' country, and its bad record of human rights and intellual property protection issue...
Silk road: Ancient Rome imports tons of silk and other goods from China, but have no many products that Chinese are interested in buying except glass.
A gold Byzantine coin excavated from a Chinese tomb.
Today's China exports six times more of goods to the USA than to buy from it. This high trade surplus has caused a lot of trade conflicts, but not much on the price of the Chinese goods and services at home, except the inflation of the real estate price. This one way cash flow also happens at the silk road time before the dark age of Europe. However, the cash surplus does not cause the inflation in China in that time and now. People think the reason is that those surplus does not go into the circultation. Or the economy of China expands at a roughly same rate as its incoming cash. In today's circumstance, the central bank of China invests in Treasuries and mortgages on American homes and stacks up the US dollars. Even though that the US goverment has imposed high pressure on China to increase the value of the Chinese yuan, it has no much effect to this trade inbalance. This re-evaluation seems not the final solution of the problem. China has a big pool of cheap labor, although the price of the labor is going to increase now and in the near future. However, the increases is still quite small compared to the trade scale. In the century of 1800's, British sustained its high trade surplus by positioning millions of Chinese with optium. But today, China wants high-tech stuff from the United States that the states won't sell. Reasons? China is not a 'democratic' country, and its bad record of human rights and intellual property protection issue...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Niels Bohr is Right!!
There is an interesting article on Oct 2005 issue of Notices of the AMS, titled 'Ground Control to Niels Bohr: Exploring Outer Space with Atomic Physics.' It describes how the study on the atomic scale (esp. the highly excited Rydberg electrons' is applied to design the orbital of Genesis, which was launched on Aug 8th, 2001 to collect the solar wind. Especially interesting is that the transition state theory in chemical dynamics is applied to study the celestial dynamics or the comets and spacecrafts, etc. From electrons to comets, planets and stars, all share the same equations and many-body problems make them hard to grasp. Chaos is an inevitable result. 'Transition state theory' in chemical dynamics explains the reaction rate from reactants to products based on the potential energy surface of chemical reactions.
Trajectory for the Genesis spacecraft.
Resonance of the Jovian comet Oterma
in heliocentric coordinates
in rotating reference frame
magnified of the bottleneck region.
'Transition states' are surfaces in the many-dimensional phase space (the set of all possible position and momentas that particles can attain) that regulate mass transport through bottlenecks in the that phase space; the transition rates are then computed using a statistical approach developed in chemical dynamics. In such analysis, one assumes that the rate of intramolecular energy distribution is fast relative to the reaction rate, which can then be expressed as the ratio of the flux across the transition state divided by the total volume of phase space associated with the reactants.
Trajectory for the Genesis spacecraft.
Resonance of the Jovian comet Oterma
in heliocentric coordinates
in rotating reference frame
magnified of the bottleneck region.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Snow on Latern's Day
Snow started from yesterday afternoon, and there are still snow flakes falling. When it snows, the world is always like a fairy tale
kingdom. (A fox ran before me last night. That was a surprise.) The snow flakes are very light but big, just like 'goose feather' as I used to call them in the compositons at my primary school. So innocent looking and beautiful. As people started to shovel snow, the black road surface was exposed. It seemed I have losted something in that removed snow.
Look from inside.
'Black pearl'.
Remember cotton flowers grown at home long time ago.
People skiing on the slope.
A fairy world.
kingdom. (A fox ran before me last night. That was a surprise.) The snow flakes are very light but big, just like 'goose feather' as I used to call them in the compositons at my primary school. So innocent looking and beautiful. As people started to shovel snow, the black road surface was exposed. It seemed I have losted something in that removed snow.
Look from inside.
'Black pearl'.
Remember cotton flowers grown at home long time ago.
People skiing on the slope.
A fairy world.
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